
We want to make sure that Belfast Pride provides a platform and a welcome for every part of Belfast’s LGBTQIA+ community, including
anyone who has a barrier to access. We are always working to make Belfast Pride as inclusive and accessible as it can be.


Belfast Pride does not organise all of the events during the Belfast Pride Festival – we work with a range of community venues and business partners who organise their own events and we list them in the Festival Guide as part of the overall Festival programme. The event listings in the Official Belfast Pride Guide show who the organiser is for each event, the venue and how they rate accessibility themselves. We have asked all venues holding events during Belfast Pride to provide us with information on their accessibility and the symbols we have used in the Guide tell you what you can expect for each event. We print this information in the Official Belfast Pride Festival Guide so that people who need this information can have it in advance and to

encourage venues to think about their accessibility.



At all of the main events run directly by Belfast Pride we provide Sign Language interpreters where there is a presenter or entertainment.


Official Belfast Pride Festival Guide 

The Official Belfast Pride Guide is designed to be easy to read with a clear layout, less text in listings and a larger font size than before. The Guide is also available in different versions, including an audio version and a Word version.



Belfast Pride Office

First Floor, 109 – 113 Royal Avenue, Belfast, BT1 1FF


The building has step free access from the street with an internal ramp from the street to an internal glass door with a buzzer at an accessible level. We can assist with the door or buzz someone in – the door does not open automatically. There is a lift from the internal foyer to the 1st floor and step free access to all facilities on the floor with a ramp alongside two steps to the Boardroom. This is used for meetings, events and training, including Parade Training. The bathroom on the 1st floor is fully accessible with bars, an emergency cord and plenty of room to turn a chair. 


There are also accessible bathrooms on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors – all directly outside the lift. Please use the lift to go to any other floor. There is ticketed on-street car parking directly outside the building and on nearby Library Street and the nearest multi-storey car parks are at Castle Court and St Anne’s Square. The building is on all Metro bus routes going North and the nearest railway station is Great Victoria Street. The Europa and Laganside bus centres are also found in the city centre. 


Belfast Pride Parade

The parade route is 2.12km long and is entirely flat along the full route with no ramps or other impediments. If you would like to walk, please let us know and we can place you towards the front.



Parade Viewing Area

We have partnered with Ulster University to offer an amazing viewing gallery of the parade as it turns onto Royal Avenue. This will be a quiet area for those with any disability, particularly neurodivergent individuals, who would like to see the parade.  


Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. To book a place for yourself and one carer, please complete the form available here 


Parade Accessibility Bus

We have partnered with Translink to provide a Pride Bus. This is transport for those with mobility issues or disabilities who want to complete the parade but cannot manage the full route. If you want to reserve a place, email


It takes about an hour and a half to complete the route and you are not able to leave the bus during the parade except for a medical emergency – this is for crowd safety reasons. The parade is noisy and crowded and this may be an issue for people with sensory sensitivities and service animals. We don’t allow whistles, megaphones or other sounds on the bus to reduce the noise as far as possible in the immediate area. 


There are many accessible toilets along the route in public buildings and shopping centres, including Changing Places facilities at Victoria Square, Castle Court, Belfast City Hall and others.


Party in the Square 

We have the following to help make your experience in the Square a more enjoyable one.

– A dedicated viewing area on the raised area to the left of the Square near the stage.

– A priority access to make it easier to get into the Square. There is then also priority access to the viewing area.

– The performances and speeches are signed.


Party in the Square – Accessible Toilets

These are located in the main toilet area and in the accessibility area. Both areas are very well signposted.


Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. To book a place for yourself and one carer at Party in the Square, please contact


Pride Village

This event is on the Donegall Quay / Big Fish site which has full step free access across the area. This means level access to all stalls at the event. Pride Village offers an alternative to the Party in the Square at Custom House Square and is alcohol and smoke free.


Pride Village – Accessible Toilets

These are located in the main toilet area which is well signposted.


We understand that everyone’s needs are unique so please contact us if there is something we can do to make Pride more inclusive for you or someone you care about. 


Ring or leave a voicemail on 028 9023 2447